In a message dated 11/3/01 3:51:11 AM, writes:
>So how exactly does everyone see this list?
Personally, I see it as a meeting place for people with like interests where
one might talk about anything. Being new to the Newton platform I must say
that on almost whatever other topic comes up on the list I find myself in
agreement with the vast majority of the other members.
Re: Platform wars: While I am certainly a Mac fan after a long withdrawal
process from the Windows cult, I would say that whatever works for somebody
else is their choice. It is like the arugments people have over Land Rover
versus Toyota off-road vehicles. You like what you like and in most cases no
one is going to change your mind. So why bother arguing. Certainly,
discussions over the relative merits or demerits of the various whatever is
good, but I would think that silly: mine is better than yours, nah, nah, nah,
nah, nah, nah is counterproductive.
Just my thoughts.
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