Re: [NTLK] MP 2K%26In-Reply-To=%26lt;003001c16496$84c59da0$>

From: bcantley (
Date: Thu Jan 28 1904 - 19:07:49 EST

Hey Ferdi-

".stop wasting bandwidth..." hmmmm. perhaps you should listen to your
own advice and get over it. The beauty of a forum is that it's just
that, a place to share. i want to share with my fellow trustworthy
Newtonians that you have questionable business ethics, echoed mORE than
a few times on numerous subject posts here.

If you can't take the heat, get outta the kitchen.

If you have anything else non-productive to complain about please
contact me off-line, I don't want this to be an arena to air more of the
insulting slanderous comments you have shared with me previously.

And for the record, when contacted by an arbitrator about the refund, it
was suggested, by the arbitrator, that we should do a "half now, half
later" refund, to protect both parties, to which you "flexibly"
declined. So stop blowing smoke about your bending over backwards to
"satisfy" an unsatisfied customer.

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