Re: [NTLK] Platform crap...

From: Jon Glass (
Date: Tue Nov 06 2001 - 15:31:32 EST

on 11/5/01 6:38 PM, Ed Kummel at wrote:

> If I remember correctly (it's been awile, so perhaps
> someone may correct me on this) I remember the cables
> being really long The IDE drive was was not in the
> drive cage, but instead screwed onto the metal bottom
> of the case. I believe that the IDE cables went
> somewhere really difficult to get to...kinda like
> under the powersupply...I'm not 100% sure on this
> because it's been several years since I've looked at
> it.

Does an IDE plug on the motherboard look something like a SCSI? If so, then
I will be well on my way for finding it. :-) Thanks.
-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
=B3The fact that a fetus developing inside a human female belongs to the
biological species, Homo Sapiens, is not in itself morally significant. . .
. [and] does not in itself make it wrong to destroy it.=B2 --Dr. Michael
Tooley, professor at Colorado University

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