Re: [NTLK] Dongle Port Broken

From: Zander Goss (
Date: Tue Nov 06 2001 - 17:48:39 EST

Marco Mailand, isn't there a character set such as keycaps that you can
use to make your 'many greetings' be spelled the proper, German way.
Correct me if I am wrong, possibly that is the way Germans write it (I
am a German student at school, top of class all the time so far out of
the year-and-a-half I've been taking it).

On Tuesday, November 6, 2001, at 03:54 AM, Marco Mailand wrote:

>> It is held in place by two
>> plastic bumps that fit into holes, and solder. Nothing
>> else. If the port has been damaged, the plastic bumps
>> "round off" meaning that even if you can get the
>> micro-soldering to work, there wouldn't be enough to
>> hold the port in place for any type of prolonged use.
> I found exactly this too.
>> I just finally said forget about it and purchased the
>> Dongle Killer. Now I don't have to worry about the
>> port ever again!!
> I could get a Newton back which NIC port wasn't working properly. Its
> serial
> function worked as well as kbd and PrintPack but not AppleTalk. But
> with the
> SER-001 I got AT back!
>> All I got to do now is sell my old Dongle on ebay for $55! Any takers?
> No, thanks, I got two spares too... :-))
>> I suspect that if the Apple Image Writer II can print
> QuickDraw?
>> Anyway, I can't remember...but if it accepts that
>> drawing language, Apple-draw, or
>> draw-script...whatever, then it's most likely that the
>> Newton can print to it!
> I don't believe so because Apple dropped QuickDraw before the MP2000
> came
> out. I think what the Image Writer can do is similar what the Epson LX
> driver does: Simply dump the pixels off the Newton screen onto the
> paper.
> Damn, this mode has a special name too...
> --
> With best regards / Viele Gruesse!
> Marco Mailand
> --
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