[NTLK] 32MB Linear Flash card

From: Steven M. Scotten (splicer_at_paroxysm.com)
Date: Thu Nov 08 2001 - 04:00:19 EST

I drove down to San Jose yesterday to pick up my brand-spankin' used
32MB FlashRam card for Newt. I don't really have much to say about it
except that I am *so* relieved. I've been scrimping and deleting
packages I liked trying to fit the things I needed most into the memory
of my 2000U, and I've avoided trying out new software because I didn't
have the room to fit it onto Newt.

Today, it's like the world has opened up. I wish I hadn't waited so
long to get the memory card! Newt has new life and I'm loving it. I
haven't been this excited about Newt since probably sometime in the
first month of owning my MP130, and that was the end of 1996. I carried
it with me this evening and wrote a poem on BART. It's like the love
affair with Newt has been suddenly rekindled.

I love Newt.

Sorry I don't have anything informative to say, but I'm darn pleased to
have my green buddy and I just wanted to say so.


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