Re: [NTLK] Extras folder & 2000 instruction manual

From: Way (
Date: Fri Nov 09 2001 - 13:44:46 EST

The Extras 'Drawer' should be located on the 'Button bar', a dock
(usually at the bottom of the screen in portrait mode) of several
icons (Extras, Names, Notes, Dates, Find, Assist, InOut, Overview button
that looks like a big dot and two scroll arrows). The Extras should be
the farthest left icon. Perhaps your Newton was modified in a way to
that removes the Button bar or the Extras drawer icon? The extras drawer
is built-in the ROM so you can't get rid of it permenantly.

Warren Liebmann wrote:
>Thanks, but I had already looked there. I am looking for the original
>manual that came with the Newton 2000 and the original software so i can
>get the Extras package/folder.

Way Wong
Byte-Size Software

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