[NTLK] OT: Kafka "Penal colony" - copyright and translations

From: Jim Witte (jswitte_at_bloomington.in.us)
Date: Fri Nov 09 2001 - 19:23:00 EST

> 2) wish there were translations of Kafka that are in the public domain
> (there aren't).
   Are there any lawyers here who know how copyright/public domain status
interacts with translations? I would assume that while the original
worl (in German) is PD, the translations aren't, but what exactly
constitues "changeing it enough to warrent copyright?" A somewhat
similar issue came up recently on the OpenOffice list, with regards to
free/non-free status and word lists to use for a spell checker.

   Any German/English speakers out there who would be willing to
translate Kafka and put it under OPL (Open Publishing License) - or
something similar, if RMS has his fingers that pie as well, it probably
comes with unwelcome strings...


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