James Elliott <rootbeeraddict_at_yahoo.com> wrote:
:Belka and Strelka went up in 1960 on Sputnik 5 and were
:returned safely after a day in orbit. Strelka later gave
:birth to a day in orbit. Strelka later gave birth to a litter
:of six puppies, one of which was given to JFK as a gift.
:Laika (Russian for Barker) was alive for a week in
:Sputnik 2 and then the capsule re-entered a few months
:later and burned up, destroying her remains. She was
:not a Laika, but simply a mutt...
Wow! I stand corrected. When I hit "send" I realized that Belka and Strelka were actually the first creatures that safely returned from space. And I thought that names of the previous dogs were "top secret" (communists never reported about accidents and unsuccesfull events). And there is a rumor that even Belka and Strelka are not real names of the dogs :). AFAIK there also were some monkeys and mice before Gagarin. No more OT, I'm shutting up now.
Anton Balaban
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