My cat chews on the end of my Newton Stylus...that's
why I have for him to chew on and one for me
to actually use!
web/gadget guru
--- Woo Lee <> wrote:
> ------------------
> >In the USA
> >
> >Memorial Day is a day or remembrance of those
> killed in conflict
> >
> >Veterans Day is to thank the living who have
> served. Either in conflict or
> in
> >preparation of conflict. Those who served in peace
> were still ready to
> make
> >the sacrifice. So This weekend thank a Veteran for
> your freedom and dont
> >forget to walk your dog.
> How can I forget, she walks on the keyboard, she
> tears up the newspaper,
> ..sorry, she sat on my Newt., sheesh.
> ----------------
> >Keep the Green
> >Rich
> >King of Eastern Newtonia
> Trying to, but this mutt's butt might do otherwise.
> :-o
> ----------------
> >Lucky to have never had to face the threat of war
> face to face, thanks to
> >countless others in previous generations who looked
> at evil and conquered
> it.
> I was never in a war(unless you count East L.A. as a
> day-to-day zone), but
> we've been lucky.
> 'Thanks' is just the tip of the iceberg. We must
> continue to keep our
> country strong, lest we let history repeat and even
> greater sacrifices will
> be tolled.
note: This does not constitute a sig file...
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