Re: [NTLK] Newton beaming to windows CE

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Wed Nov 14 2001 - 15:41:53 EST

on 11/14/01 2:20 PM, Ronald Uphoff at wrote:

>>> My dad uses a Windows CE powered palm pc. Is there any way I can beem
>>> messages to it using my Newton???
>> AFAIK, there is unfortunately no way to do that.
>> -Laurent.
>> --
> So, even though Peacmaker facilitates beaming from PocketPC to Palm and
> Backtalk allows beaming from Newton to Palm, Backtalk does not allow beaming
> from Newton to a Peacemaker endowed PocketPC device?

Unless you would use a Palm to temporarily beam from the PocketPC to the
Newton, no, that is not possible.

I don't know the PocketPC architecture, so, the first thing to check would
be whether PocketPC specifies IrDA transfer. If so, then you would need to
ask SmartDog (who wrote BackTalk) to add support for PocketPC platform. If
the support isn't there, I would guess that PocketPC devices don't use IrDA
for infrared connections, but I don't have any hard evidence for that and my
affirmation should be taken for what it is, a guess...


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
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