Re: [NTLK] Warning: Dipwad ZDNet Columnist Ahead

From: Adrian Carter (
Date: Sat Nov 24 2001 - 14:39:56 EST

on 24/11/01 6:34 AM, James Elliott at wrote:

> I want to get to this asshole directly, but I can't find his address.

Rest assured there is some Newton defence in the reply columns, I tried to
add my own two pennies worth but I had some problems getting a reply in
through the web site.

Nothing annoys me more than people who just read what has been printed and
don't try something for themselves.

I bought my first 2100 only a few weeks after cancellation, I've benefitted
immensely from "not reading what the press said". In fact I guess as Newton
owners we all have for that matter.

My God, How cool we are for not following the herd ;)


Adrian Carter

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