Re: [NTLK] I did it, I bought a Mp2100 - Any one want an un-upgraded 2000?

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Sat Nov 24 2001 - 22:24:26 EST

on 24/11/01 19:10, Andre Baron at wrote:

> I just won an auction on a 2100, unfortunately it does not come with the
> screen cover. I'm wondering, how much difference will it make in the value
> of my MP2k either with or without the door.

If you could find some case with a good protection for the screen, you might
be able to get away with the door. Everytime you use your Newt, the door is
usually flipped underneath. You'll keep the door close when you're not using
your Newton, so a case with a reinforced flip cover over the screen might do
the trick...


Laurent Daudelin            <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software

bytesexual /bi:t`sek'shu-*l/ adj.: [rare] Said of hardware, denotes willingness to compute or pass data in either big-endian or little-endian format (depending, presumably, on a mode bit somewhere). See also NUXI problem.

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