Re: [NTLK] Faces in Names

From: Mark Rollins (
Date: Mon Nov 26 2001 - 08:29:51 EST

Nope, doesn't work with Notes sketches; apparently the format is
You can however copy a notepad sketch into a NewtWorks drawing, copy the
NewtWorks drawing, and then drag it into the photo box on the business
card. You can also (obviously) draw directly into a NewtWorks drawing.

Michael_Guzzo/ wrote:
> Thanks. I was cutting and pasting but I guess I didn't have the right
> format on the clipboard. I was hoping to drag a Notes sketch onto it (drew
> caricatures of co-workers). I guess I could do a screen shot and then drag
> that onto the card.


Mark Rollins, CIH, CSP

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