Re: [NTLK] [OT] Newton Dreams

From: Eckhart Koeppen (
Date: Tue Nov 27 2001 - 00:34:09 EST

On Montag, November 26, 2001, at 08:03 Uhr, Sushi wrote:

> When you say high volume levels, on the slider scale, at what level are
> you talking about?

At about 75 to 80 percent, most prominent when listening to
classical music or audio books with quiet passages. Also, using
different headphones than the supplied ones makes it more audible
since the supplied headphones seem a bit weak in the higher
frequency ranges.

> Please share your information source on this issue.

My iPod is a "whiner" and there are quite a number of people
reporting it on the discussion forum on Apple's support pages (just
search for "whine"). Some people who have claimed that they don't
hear the whine actually noticed it after listening to an amplified
recording of a whining iPod which you can download at If you don't hear it currently
with your iPod, you might be better off not listening to that
recording, perhaps you will notice it afterwards with your iPod as
well ;)


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