Subject: Re: [NTLK] Mucho 2100's 4-sale
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 00:01:09 +0100
>>This guy is selling (10 qty.) on a dutch auction original 2100's .
>why do you call it a Dutch auction?
Because it am one!
The Dutch Auction
A continuous descending auction where bidders can see the current price
an must decide if they wish to purchase at that price or wait until it
drops. The winner is the first bidder at the current price.
--there's also:
The English Auction
The First-Price Sealed Bid Auction
The Vickrey Auction
The Simultaneous Ascending Auction
Progressive Second Price
Reverse Auction
The Continuous Double Auction
The Periodic Double Auction
Multi-Attribute Auctions
--Mark Rollins, CIH, CSP
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