[NTLK] [announce] TON October Issue

From: ThisOlNewt_at_aol.com
Date: Mon Oct 01 2001 - 23:20:39 EDT

TON has updated for October

-A New Interview as always.

-The latest and greatest version of the FAQ ( Spidered and searchable with
our site search)

-Links are now updated on an as we get em basis. Have you tried searching
the new links archive? We have added descriptions and titles of software to
the search database. Its very nice if we say so ourselves.

-the Newton Swap Meet is up and running. Visit here if you have ebayphobia.
Post to sell and browse to buy

-We have been too busy to update the Price guide this quarter but should get
to that in the next week or so. ( damn day job)

Keep the Green

This Old Newt
Home of the Newton Web-Ring, Newton Swap Meet,Used Price Guide, 
News, Monthly interviews, Updated FAQ and Hints and Tips.

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