Actually my next purchase is going to be an iPaq H3870.
Pretty sweet, and a nice companion to my newton.
M$ has done a good job thus far catching up to the rosetta
engine (but I wont be able to fully comment on it until I
get my hands on the unit and test it). Also it has
graffiti (eeeekkkk!!) recognition for palm converts as
Also online packages (like penreader, can be
purchased and added on. I saw a demo of penreader (live
one) and it was actully pretty cool (although not exactly
like rosetta).
One final point
Newton forever! :)
--- Oliver Hardt <> wrote:
> I just got a response from the amigo guys, and here is
> what they had to say:
> At 10:31 AM -0400 10/5/01, Mike Sharpe wrote:
> >The @migo handwriting reconition actually reconizes your
> handwriting.
> >You can use the stylus to write on the @migo just as if
> it were paper
> >and then select reconize and it reconizes your writing.
> Except for the screen, this machine seems like a
> candidate for a
> newton-alternative. any comments? Olli.
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