Here's a question for the group. In my Palm (using a program called
Datebk4) I'm used to a feature called a Daily Journal. The Daily Journal
is nothing more than a single-day event with no time associated with it and
a note attached to it. When I use the Command + J graffiti stroke I'm
taken automatically to that note for the day, put to the end of the note,
and a new timestamp is added.
Any suggestions on how to do something similar in my Newt? My only other
criteria is that I'll want to beam some of the journals back to my Palm. I
have DashBoard, so I thought about writing a script to automate this (but
I'm a complete dope at NewtonScript so I'd need some help). And I have
MoreInfo, but I can't seem to find something nearly as quick as the way the
DateBk4 can get me there.
Input from my friends here is, as always, valued and appreciated. Thanks!!
-- David Orriss Jr. ICQ UIN: XXXXXX (please ask if you want to talk via ICQ) Linux - Chicken Soup for the Unix Soul-- This is the Newtontalk mailinglist - To unsubscribe or manage: visit the above link or
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