Re: [NTLK] Problem with Othello -> Error 8

From: Way (
Date: Sun Oct 07 2001 - 10:21:12 EDT

Oliver Brose wrote:
>Back in the MP2100, Othello, and only Othello, does not work, it just
>produces an error 8.
>I deleted Othello and reinstalled.
>I deleted Othellos ERGO database in stores.
>I deleted both and reinstalled.
>All the time, I kept the pkg internal, the card is not involved anymore.
>Nothing gets it to work, just error 8.
>Easyerrors describes error 8 as "invalid entry", but what does that mean?
>How may I get rid of this?
>Oliver :)

Try deleting Othello's preference file using a utiliity such as Prefs
Cleaner from Stand Alone Software. Worth a shot.

Way Wong
Byte-Size Software

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