Re: [NTLK] Best way to prep card for ejection?

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Mon Oct 08 2001 - 00:22:04 EDT

on 07/10/01 15:50, Paul Guyot at wrote:
>> So what's the best way to eject a card in the end, a software triggered
>> restart with all apps off or an unmounting app, and if that's the way to go
>> which one is the best ?
>> (I think you wrote one too, so this might be your chance for a shameless
>> plug ;-)
> Er. I don't recall having written a software to eject cards. However,
> I think I'm going to update Avi's BD Reset way to kill all
> applications.
> Personally, I used SBM's Card Eject in the past, but currently, I
> remove one of my linear cards to put the Ethernet or ATA card. This
> linear card only has one package which requires to put it back
> (MinMail:DTS). I'm so lazy that I could have removed it (I don't use
> this package). This card is used for backups of the internal store
> purpose.
> However, I have removed cards when rebooting. I have even rebooted so
> badly that the Newton refused to come back to life for more than one
> minute. I'm not sure I'm doing it the good way :)

I own a Newton since 1993 and I always ejected the cards the same way: I
push the little push button to release it and then push it to eject the
card. Most of the time, some applications need the card back, so I push it
back until the Newton tells me that it's now safe to remove the card, which
I promptly do.

Maybe that's not the best way, but it has always worked and I never, never
damaged any card.

I'm amazed that this thread went on that far!


Laurent Daudelin            <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software

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