I work in a highly technical field and most of the
people I'm exposed to either know that this is a
Newton, or proclaim their respect for the Newton even
though they use another device (although, the Pal
users generally don't...I've found the WinCe people to
be a bit more professional about it)
web/gadget guru
--- Christopher Dean <rdeanc_at_cc.curtin.edu.au> wrote:
> I must get at least 4 students a day (industrial
> design/product design/print
> design/multimedia) commenting on my Newton 2000 and
> good it looks.
> They are even more impressed when they find out what
> it can do.
> Whenever someone passes comment I sit back and
> wonder about what may have
> been.....
> just wondering how many other ppl get similar
> comments.
> Chris
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