Re: [NTLK] To think what could have been....

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Wed Oct 10 2001 - 15:45:39 EDT

on 10/10/01 3:09 PM, James Elliott at wrote:

> Christopher Dean <> wrote:
>> I must get at least 4 students a day (industrial design/product design/print
>> design/multimedia) commenting on my Newton 2000 and good it looks.
>> They are even more impressed when they find out what it can do.
>> Whenever someone passes comment I sit back and wonder about what may have
>> been.....
>> just wondering how many other ppl get similar comments.
>> Chris
> I get comments on my 120 all the time. A couple of the people who
> saw it have since purchased Newtons themselves. I wonder how many I
> could convert if I had a 2100 to show off. Just to find out, would
> someone like to give me one?

Probably twice more people. You don't have any other alternative, but to get
an MP2100, James!!!


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
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