on 08-10-2001 8:34, Daniel Padilla at daniel.padilla_at_wanadoo.es wrote:
> I think that the program sets its own sampling rate when it defines the
> sound channel. It's quite low, actually.
Now I might be the only one left on the list that still hasn't got the
Dragon Demo to work :-(
I've installed the latest version, installed the hack, had on the same and
different stores, set the mic to 4k, rotated my Newt to portrait and I have
1371k internal and 1108k left over on my memory cards.
It once heard something, thinks forever and basically crashes my Newt over
and over, any ideas anybody ?
Robert Benschop
finally got it working with all extensions off, will see if I can find the
conflicting one, still crashy as anything though. If anybody else found some
conflict, please let us know.
And I would like to know what distance gives the best results.
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