>I have a friend who is exploring my newton with the possibility of
>getting one someday. She's left-handed. Is there any known problem
>with the software that'd make it difficult for left-handed people to use
>the handwriting aspect of newton?
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I'm a lefty too... I have problems with the handwriting myself. It
can be learned to overcome the writing errors. The recognition
software watches which what you start your letters .. i.e how you
start a "S" from the bottom left or top right... this is partly how
it determines what letter you write. So if you train yourself to
write the letters that don't come out right - by starting from the
opposite direction. Test this by writing each letter/number by itself
and seeing what is interpreted. You can still use the on screen
keyboard - which I can type fairly fast on that. Other than the HW
glitch for lefty's, everything works great.
Hope this helps
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