on 14/10/01 11:44, Samuel Jacobson at jacobson98_at_earthlink.net wrote:
> In regards to size of the pieces of my Thesis the Introduction, which is
> one of the larger segments, is 18.6 Kb. This is not what I would call huge,
> but not small either. I would have thought that NewtWorks would have been
> ideal for this (and you are right that others have gotten their eMates to
> work with their research. It was only after many discussions with them that
> I decided to purchase an eMate). So far I have gotten the file to download
> to the eMate but it comes in a very odd format which is appears
> more-or-less unusable.
I don't know what's going on, but many people, including me, have been able
to transfer RTF back and forth from a desktop without any problem.
Did you try Victor Rehorst's suggestion of using WordPad, save the file in
it and then transfer *that* file through NCU?
This operation you're talking about is usually a no-brainer.
-- ===================================================================== Laurent Daudelin <http://home.cox.rr.com/nemesys> Logiciels Nemesys Software mailto:nemesys_at_cox.rr.comcareware /keir'weir/ n.: A variety of shareware for which either the author suggests that some payment be made to a nominated charity or a levy directed to charity is included on top of the distribution charge. Syn. charityware; compare crippleware, sense 2.
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