Re: [NTLK] Apple to unveil new digital device next week

From: Jon Glass (
Date: Thu Oct 18 2001 - 13:38:26 EDT

on 10/18/01 9:57 AM, SlashDevNull at wrote:

> I highly recommend having an MP3 server. I am listening to more music an=
> watching less TV (Of course that means I am working more, but there has t=
> be a trade off somewhere). :)

When you say MP3 server, do you mean that it is a computer dedicated to
playing mp3s or do you mean something else? Can you explain further?
Intrigued. :-)
-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
 =B3the assumption that being a human individual is enough to earn one moral
protection of one=B9s life smacks of speciesism.=B2 --Professor Jeffrey Reiman=20

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