on 10/18/01 7:53 PM, Andy Wells at andywells_at_hotkey.net.au wrote:
> Steve Weyer <weyer_at_kagi.com> wrote :
> <snip>
>> For those who still don't understand what that means,
>> or don't have a VNC server (or access to one),
>> or lack tolerance for fragmentary documentation and early release
>> software, this application/version probably isn't for you...
>> Send me bug reports, suggestions, praise, ...
>> and of course I'll also check NewtonTalk digests periodically.
> G'day Newtonites
> Generally for an 'a' release I'm awfully IMPRESSED! well done Steve!
> here's my experience from an upgraded eMate with a 3C589D-TP.......
> succesfully installed VNC 3.3a2 and connected first time with default
> settings to win9x boxes. I have since found the 'RRE' encoding and '4 gray'
> options to be the faster refresh, probably due to processor speed (?)
> everything else has stayed at default.
> Using RRE the screen 'bleeds' in the update rather than a 'blocking' type
> of refresh. How do you guys with 2xxx find this ? Anybody else tried an
> eMate ? I haven't gone for a full screen yet only 240x240
glad to hear that it works on eMate.
RRE does tend to refresh in a "fractal" like fashion.
next version (maybe later on Fri) won't show all the individual updates
> Received a -48204 error once (I don't have an error code list - maybe you
> Laurent ?)
that means "Path failed" -- any recollection what was happening around then?
> and have also on about 4 or 5 attempts gotten to the 'Endpoint:Connect'
> dialog and the get a message with no number
> "Communications- Sorry a problem has occured ( A communications problem has
> occured, connection may have been dropped)"
> Following this the only way to re-establish a connection is thru a warm
> reset otherwise the message will continue to appear.
> a -61001 has also appeared in the dialog bar of VNC "error: Grablink -61001"
> Again a warm rest was in order.....tried the fix for a '61 off Avi's BD but
> that didn't seem to do the trick ( wrong error type ? )
> Also, if after a failed connection attempt - I then close VNC and then go to
> power off the Newt it displays a message warning me that it is not safe to
> power off unless applications connected to the Internet are closed. Most
> likely cause is that the card driver is still open despite VNC connection
> failing. Problem here is that the 'Disconnect' option does not make itself
> available ( hey it hasn't 'connected' afterall )
> Is there another way to close the card driver ? ( sorry guys I've only just
> bought a card so not to sure here )
> Hhmm just tried this after a successful connection/disconnect/close and
> still get the same power off warning.......tried resetting the heap by
> tapping in the top corner of Avi's BD and this let me power off with no
> problems ( think I've answered one of my own questions :-)
there's a problem where the NIE link gets "grabbed" but then if there's a
failure before the endpoint gets created, when VNC attempts to disconnect,
it thinks it's done but it hasn't released the NIE link -- this leads to
many problems... I've fixed this and it will be in 3.3a3
> In all I think I've worked out the procedures I need to follow to ensure
> successful sustained connection. Now to practice working the mouse from my
> newt!
> hope this has been of some help
> cheers
> Andy
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