Re: [NTLK] Uh oh... ( Was Re: Newton Wanted ! )

From: Jon Glass (
Date: Fri Oct 19 2001 - 12:12:59 EDT

on 10/19/01 4:35 PM, Eric L. Strobel at wrote:

> I would've sent that off-list, but I thought that others might be curious as
> well. Since the quote was NOT about animal rights or even abortion, I
> figured it shouldn't generate a huge flame war. After all, the fellow
> quoted was apparently saying that infants that have been *successfully
> delivered into this world* can be killed without moral qualms.

Just for the record, I've replied to Eric off-list, but anybody else who is
interested in learning more about this man's twisted logic is free to write
me and request the url where I got the quote. I don't wish to continue this
thread on list, so I'm not posting it here. :-)

-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
"[The] law established by the Creator, which has existed from the beginning,
extends over the whole globe, is everywhere and at all times binding upon
mankind. . . . and is paramount to all human control." --Rufus King, signer
of the Constitution

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