A Geochron (or at least the one in my office) is basically a clock, based on
a world map showing the official time zone designations. Made by Kilburg, a
family-owned company in California. All analog: a mylar(?) map scrolls
left-right under a wood/glass frame; follow the time zone designator for
your location (east coast of U.S. is time zone 'R') to the scale at the top
to read the time. Also -- perhaps most interestingly -- illuminates the area
of the earth in sunlight (that is, shows the line of the terminator),
changing from parallel lines at the equinoxes, to bell-shaped (with arctic
circle the tangent to top of bell) at at the winter solstice, to an inverted
bell at the summer solstice. (All references northern-hemisphere biased!)
Also plots the figure-8 shape of the point at which the sun is directly
overhead at noon (the extremes of which define the tropics of Cancer and
Further trivia: In the movie "Three Days of the Condor" the CIA dept. head
(played by Cliff Robertson) has one hanging on his office wall behind him in
one scene.
There must be PC-based versions of this; I remember a rather good one many
years ago running under OS/2.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gruendel, Frank 3837 PPE-S3" <Frank.Gruendel_at_de.heidelberg.com>
To: <newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net>
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 7:38 AM
Subject: [NTLK] GeoChron Clock
> > I still would like to see a GeoChron Clock, though :).
> Well, maybe if you tell me what that is...
> Frank
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