Re: [NTLK] "The Device"

From: Jon Glass (
Date: Tue Oct 23 2001 - 09:04:40 EDT

on 10/23/01 12:55 AM, Bill davis newton at wrote:

> And quite frankly, even if it were real, the object pictured is not
> that well designed. I strongly doubt it's an Apple product.
> And they ARE right about some of the grout showing through and NOT
> being reflections. Some could be, you're right...but some is obviously
> not.

Look at picture number 3. I suppose that's the one that everyone is talking
about. It shows most clearly the "grout showing through." Look carefully at
the reflection of the wall on the shelf. You can see the grout line
intersect the device and disappear at the edge, where the buttons are, and
where the edge is irregular, and notice how the reflection picks up again,
but at an angle this time, where the irregularities end. You can also see
the reflection of that horizontal line intersect with the vertical line,
that happens to be almost in line with the grout line on the shelf, but not
exact. If this were simply bleed throughs, this is not how it would look,
but if it were reflections, this is how you would expect it to look. Notice=
also, how where the screen is, the bleed-through/reflection ends. However,
as someone said, the screen seems wrong. It doesn't have the right look to
be a photo of a screen. That has been my complaint from the beginnng. I'm
guessing that it's a printout, tucked under the edge of whatever the mockup

Notice, I don't believe this thing is real, but I'm not convinced it's a
digital image.=20

I can think of several reasons this thing isn't real. As someone mentioned,
the name--it's stupid. I hope this isn't the real name. And I suppose that
Sony would also sue them?? Two. The concept is kind of half-baked. It's
almost, but not quite. Three. It also, while being half-baked, tries to be
too much. Newton handwriting (yet new) and OSX kernel-based, and iTunes and
much more. No, I really, really hope this isn't the real thing. :-)
-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
=B3The fact that a fetus developing inside a human female belongs to the
biological species, Homo Sapiens, is not in itself morally significant. . .
. [and] does not in itself make it wrong to destroy it.=B2 --Dr. Michael
Tooley, professor at Colorado University

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