Re: [NTLK] Any update on that device?

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Oct 23 2001 - 13:45:04 EDT

on 10/23/01 1:35 PM, Lou Forlini at wrote:

> At 1:21 PM -0400 10/23/01, Laurent Daudelin wrote:
>> I'm trying to get to a few Mac news sites (MacNN, MacCentral), but I can't
>> reach MacNN and MacCentral still hasn't updated its front page.
>> So, anybody has any news?
> "Apple Releases iPod"
> It's a digital music device. Live updates as it happens (link is slow):
> <>

Slow? I can't even connect. Man, I still think that most Mac news web sites
stinks when it comes to deliver a few bytes over the internet!


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
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creationism n.: The (false) belief that large, innovative software designs
can be completely specified in advance and then painlessly magicked out of
the void by the normal efforts of a team of normally talented programmers.
In fact, experience has shown repeatedly that good designs arise only from
evolutionary, exploratory interaction between one (or at most a small
handful of) exceptionally able designer(s) and an active user population --
and that the first try at a big new idea is always wrong. Unfortunately,
because these truths don't fit the planning models beloved of management,
they are generally ignored. 

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