What is wrong with you people?
I mean, come on. Sure, it isn't a Newton. Sure, it isn't gonna end world
hunger or cure cancer but jeez.
Ok, other MP3 players have had hard drives in them.
The Mac OS GUI wasn't the first GUI out there. Did people say 'big deal.
Already been done.'.
The Newton was not the first handheld. Did all of you say 'Big deal.
Been done before.'.
iTunes is not the first MP3 player out there, or even the prettiest, but
the interface is what makes me keep using it. When iTunes came out did
people say 'Big deal. There are already MP3 players out there.'.
This is the first MP3 player that is very small and yet holds a ton of
music. It also functions as a VERY fast hard drive. It charges from the
firewire connection so you don't need to carry another cable or adapter.
The interface is the ABSOLUTE best out there and you are able to bounce
around to find and sort songs quickly.
And your laptop is NOT just the most expensive wallwart in the world. It
now happens to do another thing in addition to everything else.
And why should Apple create items to be used my Windows users. Isn't it
bad enough that Windows and the entire Wintel industry rips off damn near
everything that Apple does. Don't worry, in 4 to 6 months, some
manufacturer is gonna rip off the design.
Did you really expect another Newton? Have you seen the state of
handhelds now? ALL of them are losing money hand over fist and even Jobs
has said that handhelds is NOT the place to be right now.
I realize that some of you are disappointed that Apple didn't release
another impossible, revolutionary product. But just because they didn't
release the impossible do not chastise them for releasing a stunning,
evolutionary product.
This rant is not directed at anyone in particular. I just can not believe
the sour grapes that I am hearing about this product. And not because of
what it is or does, but because of what it is not what we all wanted it to
Ok, releasing the flames.
> * SlashDevNull <> on Tue, 23 Oct 2001
> | It is innovative. iPod holds 5 gigs. And from what I understand it also
> | functions as a FireWire hard drive.
> Piffle. My Nomad Jukebox shipped with a 6GB disk over a year ago, was
> recently converted to hold a 20GB disk, and with the new 40GB 9mm height
> disks available it can take one of those, too. Big whoop that it can't be
> mounted directly on the host, except that a third party product lets me do
> that, thanks to the fact that Creative has released a Jukebox SDK for third
> party developers to do exactly that.
> FireWire is nice, and while iPod is the first portable MP3 player to use
> it, I wouldn't call it a "breakthrough" or "innovation".
> | No charging cord. It charges from the FireWire connection.
> Which means you have to leave the host on to charge the player, making your
> Macintosh the most expensive wall wart in the world.
> Sorry, iPod is evolutionary, not revolutionary.
> Unless you count the fact that it can -only- be hosted by a Macintosh w/
> FireWire as being some kind of breakthrough. I call it "broken" myself.
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