Re: [NTLK] PC Card Firewire

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Thu Oct 25 2001 - 01:15:50 EDT

>Why is FireWire too much work? At the core, both Ethernet and
>FireWire are "simply" fast serial ports. (:

Having ethernet or firewire as serial ports on the Newton (i.e. with
the serial-port endpoint APIs) wouldn't be very useful and would be
painfully slow. Heh, imagine an ATA driver in NewtonScript :)

>"All" someone would have to do is write a FireWire driver as if it
>were an Ethernet driver, and voila, FireWire for the Newton!

Er, I don't think so.

>"All, he says," I hear you saying. Yes, I realize that nothing is
>that simple-- there are probably two totally different communication
>stacks involved

Yes, this is the main problem.

>As far as the power is concerned

The only problem with power is, I think, that it's going to suck
batteries pretty fast. I'm pretty sure that if it is plugged, the
Newton can provide enough power.

> >Hey, Paul? Correct me if I'm wrong!

You're right Laurent.
We could interface the FireWire driver with the ATA driver, though,
to use storage drives.

But the question is: is it really worth the effort or shouldn't we
work on other things? Personally, I'd prefer a driver for an
Airport-compatible card.


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