Hi all,
I've just uploaded a couple of new versions of packages for the
branch of NPDS I'm working on.
They can be found on this branch's website http://npds.free.fr
I'm also posting this on NTLK (on the contrary to what I usually do)
to advertise these NPDS updates before NPDS 3.0.
What is NPDS?
You know how much Apache is superior to any other desktop OS-web
server solution? You know how much NewtonOS is superior to any other
OS? Well, you therefore know what NPDS is :)
This web server was written by Matt Vaughn from a TCP Server code by
Ray Rischpater. It runs on any 2.x Newton, although you probably
would have some problems on a MP120.
Matt published NPDS 2.01 on his website
This branch derives from his code. It has been improved by Victor
Rehorst who wrote the NPDS Java Tracker, Adam Tow and myself. It is
tested on a daily basis by several active Newton users. Thanks to
them all.
Because Ray's code is licensed under GPL (although it's illegal under
NewtonOS), NPDS is licensed under GPL as well. However, all the code
Matt, Adam Tow and I wrote is licensed under a BSD-like license
(except the GIF Server for which I have to determine if I'm violating
Unisys patent).
Anyway, it's open source, in case you want to give a hand.
Who uses NPDS?
Could be you! A lot of Newton users do. Anyone who has a Newton, a
permanent connection and a way to share it with their Newton should
at least at night (you don't sleep with your Newton, do you?).
Users who share their Newton usually register them on a tracker, such
as misato (http://misato.chuma.org:2110) or shakti tracker
NPDS users are usually on this branch of NPDS's mailing list (even if
you use the other branch, you can register) where other users help
them to setup their Newton, give advices and report bugs among other
things. We even had our iPod thread :). You can subscribe by sending
a mail with subscribe in the subject to npds-request_at_ml.free.fr. All
that is ad free.
What is new?
The new modules fix several causes of problems which lead to server
crashes (NPDS sometimes stops serving pages). Also, I've included a
lot of debug lines to fix these bugs and a little change in the
NoteServ module to help design of cool websites.
nHTTPd 2.040
Fixed the SetRemove problem (thanks Sean) with a workaround. I think
this is why the server sometimes refused to close every endpoint
Added plenty of verbose lines and updated the previous ones.
NotePad Server 2.043
Various cleanups
Added more verbose outputs when kDebugOn is TRUE
Any note with a title ending with .css or .js or .htm or .html won't
be translated to HTML. However, I think that the MIME type sent is
text/html. Bah, this is just a temporary change before NPDS 3.0 alpha
GIF Server 1.11
Fixed a bug causing the endpoint to not be closed.
Binary Server 1.01
Fixed the same bug also present there. I checked, it's not present
anywhere else.
-- Home page: http://www.kallisys.com/ Newton-powered WebServer: http://newt.dyndns.org:8080/-- This is the Newtontalk mailinglist - http://www.newtontalk.net To unsubscribe or manage: visit the above link or mailto:newtontalk-request_at_newtontalk.net?Subject=unsubscribe
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