Re: [NTLK] Newton Press & icons

From: Steve Weyer (
Date: Fri Oct 26 2001 - 05:03:51 EDT

> From: Stephanie Maks <>
> Thanks for the tip! I was trying it with greyscale icons... When I used the
> resedit method and the 1-bit pict, it worked - to a point.
> My custom icons do appear as options on the Newton Press 'title' window, but
> when I create a package after selecting a custom icon, it appears on the
> Newton with the original icon. Newton Press is using the custom icons, but
> the Newton itself - or the created .pkg file - is not.

you didn't exactly ask, but since we're on top of book making tools. here's
how you change the Extras icon in Newt's Cape -- add a META attribute to
your HTML source, e.g.,
  <META NAME="ICON" CONTENT="http://.../foo.gif">


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