Re: [NTLK] O/T discussions

From: Woo Lee (
Date: Fri Oct 26 2001 - 05:59:53 EDT

>(the meeting didn't break up untill almost
>2:00am! 6 hours! Nobody can talk Newton for 6 hours!)

HAH! We've gone 8 hours! Just ask Loren ;-)
>That's kinda like the way I see NewtonTalk. Despite the banter and the
disagreements (and the inability of the Mac-o-philes to "see the
<dark>...come over to the dark side, it's nice and busy! ;-p )

Funny, I use my Newt. for 99% of my email. If I have an email with an
attachment I download a copy to a Mac. If it's legit, then it gets
downloaded to my Win. laptop. So my Newt. is my first line of defense.
Besides, there's no <dark side> when you talk about Windows, every Pentium
is made to start a little fire so that you can see the motherboard fry and
then you have to upgrade. ]:-D
AMD chips aren't as bad, I can 'RISC' those.
I still regard everyone on this list as a "virtual" friend! Now don't get
me wrong, you guys aren't "buds" or the like, but
>if there were a genuine emergency and there was something I could help out
on, then yes, I would go out of my way. You don't get that way talking

'Aren't buds'??? Well, you do contribute so that 'pitcher' is still
yours(hey, it's still oktoberfest time). %-)
>You learn about the people you choose to spend time with, whether it's
IRL, or virtual. I've never met Woo(or is that ooW), or Victor or 99% of
you guys (and gals)

I'm so bummed I miss y'all in D.C. :-( Next time!
'ooW' when I'm sober.
'Woo' when I'm drunk on Guiness.

'ooW' I have a hangover.

"Take me drunk...
                            ...I'm home.

!ooW %-)
"Ask not what your country can do for you,
Ask what you can do for your country."...JFK, 01/20/1961

Pres. of Los Angeles Newton Users Group!

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