Re: [NTLK] Newton Message Pad

From: Bill davis newton (
Date: Fri Oct 26 2001 - 19:18:58 EDT

Thanks Woo!

I never left. I still have my Newtons (all four) and still read the
list and post occasionally (although some folks of late probably wish I
didn't). Good place for PDA, portable tech and Apple news.

I do know use "Mini-Newt", my HandEra 330 PalmOS clone, for most things
I used to use my Newton for, but still use the Newton for a few
things....and VNC and WiFi/AirPort support might help me use it for a
few more things. Be fun to play with that on my Handera too; the WiFi
drivers were just released, as was a modified version of a Palm VNC
client that takes advantage of the larger HandEra screen. Fun toys to
play around with!

Now if I can just get Newton ebook makers to compress ebooks as small
as the Palm does. Most of my ebooks compress to half or less of the
text file size in PalmDOC format, but the version of PaperBack I have
seems to make docs that are TWICE the size of the original text file
(due to Newtons use of Unicode, I assume.) Gotta do more research! I
need to check out later versions of PaperBack, and try NewtonPress and
BookMaker and see if I can get better compression (maybe I missed an
option somewhere). Or perhaps also Newt's Cape's PalmDOC reader plug-
in (maybe I should do THAT first, in fact!) I have two MP2K's, they
should make great ebook readers with their big screens and great
backlight. I have a ton of ebooks on the 128MB CF card of my HandEra;
perhaps Paul's ATA driver will let me do so with the Newton too. Nice
to always have a library with me in my shirt pocket!

 - Bill

-----Original Message-----
From: Woo Lee <>
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 02:06 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Newton Message Pad

> WB BILL!!!
> Good to see you've still got the 'green' fire burning.
> Did VNC bring you back???
> Somebody's got back on line, I think...

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