Slightly off-topic. I received a SPAM for a PDA that is Palm-compatible,
but it appears (to avoid licensing fees) you have to flash the PalmOS
into the unit after you buy it!
That's certainly one for the copyright lawyers, it can run the PalmOS,
but it's not a licensee. I suppose this makes the (remote, like Guinness
in hell) possibility of a Newton OS 2.1 clone viable, if it was sold
without an OS, and someone (P Guyot, S Weyer?) making an app to "slurp"
out the NewtonOS?
Parenthetically, I always like to have "fun" with spammers when I can. I
tried to fill out the order blank as a Mr. "Dick Hertz" (it's early AM,
sorry) but these SPAMmers are so incompetent the form page wants an
e-mail address, but there's no blank for one.
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