Re: [NTLK] uploading a note to my g3%26In-Reply-To

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Oct 30 2001 - 15:46:10 EST

on 10/30/01 3:06 PM, jeff kisseloff at wrote:

> whoops, responding to my own response here. This is the problem: I have
> a file in my inbox that I beamed into my Newton from my scanning pen.
> the NCU gives you the option of exporting from notes, calendar, to do
> lists, but not from the in/out box. I can't figure out a way to send the
> file from my inbox into my notes, if that's the only way to export it.
> maybe it isn't.
> as I said, there doesn't seem to be a way of importing a file into
> newton works either so I can export it from there.
> I did find one way of getting the file into my computer, that was by
> emailing, but I'd prefer to do it the less awkward way through works or
> the NCU.

What kind of file is this? You need to "put away" that attachment, then you
might be able to export it to the desktop. Assuming it's some kind of
text-only attachment, you should be able to "put away" that attachment to
the Notepad, then you should be able to export to the desktop. It depends on
what kind of output your scanning pen produces...


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
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