Re: [NTLK] AW: My positive reference posting for Ferdi Ozgune

From: Jon Glass (
Date: Wed Oct 31 2001 - 10:23:29 EST

on 10/31/01 1:00 AM, Ivan Shaw at wrote:

> Coincidence I think. NewtonOZ is Osmin Suguitan somewhere on the Left Coast of
> the US. Ferdi is in Edmonton.

Thanks for that. As soon as I saw his name, I remembered it. I don't know
why I couldn't remember his name. I've bought enough stuff from him. :-) In
fact, I'm still trying to get a 9watt power supply to go along with the
adapters I bought from him... :-)

-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety." --Benjamin Franklin

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