Re: [NTLK] adaptor trouble: second try

From: Daniel Padilla (
Date: Wed Oct 31 2001 - 14:42:50 EST

> Folks;
> Has anyone encountered the situation where a message came up on the
> newton while recharging that the adaptor was providing too much juice to
> the machine and it was best to remove the adaptor?
> I was recharging either the eMate or the ump2k. I can't remember which.
> This happened recently. Any clues?

    I've only seen this with a strange adaptor. If the Newton detects it's
receiving more than 1.2 Amps, it will report this error.

    If this happened with the original adaptor, you should stop using it, must
be broken.
    If this happened with another kind of adaptor, What are you doing? You want
to toast your Newton? :-)

Daniel Padilla

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