[NTLK] Soups and the Newton's downfall (Re: Clarity Memory Issue)

From: Jon Glass (jonglass_at_usa.net)
Date: Thu Sep 06 2001 - 02:36:29 EDT

on 9/6/01 6:28 AM, Victor Rehorst at victor_at_newtontalk.net wrote:

> This is called a 'Union' soup in NewtonScript parlance - a soup that
> exists on multiple stores. Just FYI.

Thanks for mentioning this. It makes me think of a near-by thread, titled
"Blasphemy and maye some hope." When you mentioned soups, it got me
thinking. I wonder if, in the end, it was the radical new way of thinking of
the Newton team, soups being the most relevant, that was the death of the

If you think about it, probably the main thing that killed the Newton was
its inability to sync and generally interact in a seamless and relatively
quick manner with desktop computers. The primary culprit is most likely the
soup concept on which the Newton was based. Now, I'm not a programmer, but
it seems to me that these issues kept a lot of software from being
compatible with the Newton, and what compatibility there was was always kind
of tenuous. For instance, Now Sync is a very iffy proposition at best. NCU
always seems to cause people troubles. A lot of other software, specifically
on Windows never seemed to go right either.

On the other hand, you have the Palm. Drop it in, hit the hotsync button,
and a few seconds later, you had a completely synced desktop computer. You
can't beat the simplicity, certainly in comparison with the "Newton method."

I know that we can argue that the Newton is a powerful computer in its own
right, but many of us, myself included, really, really need this ability.
Right now, I have two sets of data--desktop and Newton, and ne'er the twain
shall meet, at least until I can find some way to get my Newton synced with
4.0 of NUDCT or go back to 3.9. :-(

So, I open myself to criticism on this. . . :-)

-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland

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