[NTLK] E&B Glove Cases - Bulk Order?

From: newton2k (newton2k_at_mac.com)
Date: Mon Apr 01 2002 - 13:09:08 EST

hey guys!

ok, i've seen a few people talking about these E&B glove cases for
newton 2x00s and i definitely want one. i want to find out if there is
any interest here in getting a bulk-order purchase set up with e&b so a
bunch of us could order one at the same time, maybe for a special price.
i have sent them an email asking if they would be open to this, but i
would like to find out how many people are interested here.

check here for a review (with pics):

so, if you are interested in buying one (i dont know the price yet),
please send ME an email (OFF-LIST, please :) at newton2k_at_mac.com. please
reply to this message, leaving the subject line intact so i can filter
them, but change the to: address to my email address (instead of

i presume that the more people we can get interested, the cheaper it
will be.

take care and cheers,

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