-----Original Message-----
From: newtontalk-bounce_at_newtontalk.net
[mailto:newtontalk-bounce_at_newtontalk.net]On Behalf Of Charles Lewis
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 8:26 PM
To: Newtontalk
Subject: [NTLK] 2000 Adapter trying to charge alkalines!!
Actually, they are AA Ni-MH batteries. I have never had a problem with them
or using them with the AC adapter. But, today the Newt & adapter melted the
batteries (near). Could it be either:
1) Today I installed BattTrax battery monitor. Which I believe was written
by someone who was designing his own rechargeable pack.
2) Today I Dropped the Newton about 36", it landed on its Low Left corner
(Mic corner).
Now, I notice the adapter level meter (Not BattTrax), reads very near the
top of its scale which I think indicates mA's. This is unusual, usually
it's just below mid scale.
Any ideas or experiences much appreciated!!
Pueblo, CO
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By the way, I broke the battery spring post AGAIN!! Just finished fixing it. This time I used 5/64" drill bit, drilled all the way thru. Then a #42 machine screw 3/4" long (Radio Shack 64-3010A), screwed it in flush (as to not touch the mic). Then cut it off with a dremel at the level of the step in the near-by plastic post. If this one breaks off, no more chances! I will post pictures at Newted within the next few days for any that need more info: http://newted.dyndns.org/users/clewis/
Thanks CLewis
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