Wow. What a crazy night it was. Surfin' wirelessly on my Pismo in the AppleStore, waiting for everyone to show up. I think the AppleStore likes us as people were buying iPod's and someone purchased an Imac! Soon as everyone showed up we tried to connect to my Pismo with the Silver and Gold cards... No go.. I had some stupid idea that I needed to be a basestation, false! Everyone who had a card was double checking settings over and over. Finally (genius moment and the genius bar!) We all decided to read the directions, wasn't a basestation, but a computer to computer network. Still having troubles, we had to leave the AppleStore, they had to close shop (it was already after 9pm at this point!). We all headed over to Conrad's a nearby 24hr restaraunt that puts up with the LAnug. We occupied 2 booths, had newton a/c adaptors sticking out of every wall socket charging, and my pismo too. We double checked the settings again, but we succeeded only with the gold card. Silver card was not working (perhaps it was the
airport version (silver maybe works with Airport 1.2 or 1.3?) but the Gold worked good with my Airport 2.02 that I updated. Woo only had like 3 Newtons on him, I actually had two for a change. A good time was had by all. Too bad everyone couldn't stay till 3am like some of us :)
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