On 05/04/02 12:11, "Jon Glass" <jonglass_at_mac.com> wrote:
> Well, since my new 2100 doesn't have a dongle, I'm forced to use creative
> means to get software onto my Newt until I can get a dongle. I tried to
> download stuff off of UNNA with Nethopper, but it doesn't have a necessary
> plugin to enable it. Is such a beast available? Or am I hoping for too much?
> I just looked on UNNA for something, but didn't find anything. What's the
> scoop? BTW, due to the hassles of getting software on my Newton, Newtscape
> is not my ideal solution. :-) (Once I get this thing going, I'll try it, but
> for now, the fewer hoops I have to jump through the better.
I think that the needed NetHopper plugins are not available to download
directly from UNNA. Ed Kummel was running an ftp server which was properly
configured and had the bare Newton packages to download, although I don't
know, since he's on vacation, if his server is still up, and I don't
remember the URL (you'll have to look into the NewtonTalk archive to
retrieve a message from Ed, because he was putting his server's URL in his
-- ===================================================================== Laurent Daudelin Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae mailto:Laurent_Daudelin_at_fanniemae.com Washington, DC, USA ********************** Usual disclaimers apply ********************** card walloper n.: An EDP programmer who grinds out batch programs that do stupid things like print people's paychecks. Compare code grinder. See also punched card, eighty-column mind.-- Read the List FAQ/Etiquette: http://www.newtontalk.net/faq.html Read the Newton FAQ: http://www.guns-media.com/mirrors/newton/faq/ This is the NewtonTalk mailing list - http://www.newtontalk.net
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