Re: [NTLK] Jaggies fixed!!!! (maybe...)

From: Tony Kan (
Date: Sat Apr 06 2002 - 01:15:50 EST

Thanks for the enlightening reply. I did see the freeze program while
trawling through the various sites but had no idea that that was what it
did. I wish there was a directory somewhere that had a blurb of all Newton
software on UNNA then it would be easy to figure out what to/not to

> Date: Sat 6-Apr-2002 02:44
> To: (NewtonTalk)
> From: (No Name)
> Subject: RE: [NTLK] Jaggies fixed!!!! (maybe...)
> On 05/04/02 07:03, "Tony Kan" <> wrote:
> > How do you check that a package is leaking memory? Which packages
> leaked
> > memory in your case (and if I have them I can freeze them
> too)? And how do
> > you "freeze" a package?
> Freezing a package will make it non-operative, pretty much like if you
> would delete it. All packages you install use a little (or more) bit
> of the precious heap in your Newton. Freezing them force them to give
> up that memory. Of course, if you need to run the frozen package,
> you'll have to thaw it first, but with an MP2x00, it's fairly quick.
> Freezing is part of the Newton OS, it's just that the controls to it
> are not publicized. You can use a little freeware tool from
> StandAlone Inc. <> called, appropriately,
> "Freeze Utilities" to get access to that functionality. After
> installing this utility, you will find a new item in the routing
> popup menu called "Freeze". The utility has preferences that you can
> set so that if you tap on a frozen package, the package will be
> thawed and then opened. When you quit, it will be frozen again. Very
> transparent.
> -Laurent. --
> =====================================================================
> Laurent Daudelin Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae
> Washington, DC, USA
> ********************** Usual disclaimers apply **********************
> copy protection n.: A class of methods for preventing incompetent
> pirates from stealing software and legitimate customers from using
> it. Considered silly.
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