Re: [NTLK] Lotus Agenda

From: Patrick Jendraszak (
Date: Sat Apr 06 2002 - 12:31:07 EST


I used Agenda quite extensively about eight years ago. I kept my entire
client base and contact information on it. As mentioned by Daniel
Padilla, the Newton has, built in, many of the same features. If you
look at the "assist help", it will tell you what the "action" words are
that you need to include in your phrase to get the Newton to perform an
action. While the words themselves are different from LA, they have the
same concept.

What will be missing, unless you get a piece of additional software,
like Act! or another contact manager, is the ability to string the
various items together for your client/contact. For instance, in LA, you
could keep track of all the meetings, notes, letters, etc., that you
sent to one client. Unless I'm mistaken, there is no way to do that on
the Newton with the built-in software.

You can find a contact manager like Act! at UNNA, but I have also seen a
lot of folks on this list mention More Info! as a good program. I think
that between one piece of added software, and the built-in Newton
features, you will have all of the original feature set of the Lotus
Agenda package.


Age doesn't always bring wisdom. Sometimes age comes alone.

A Message from Patrick Jendraszak

On Saturday, April 6, 2002, at 06:57 AM, Tony Kan wrote:

> Dear Newtonians
> I don't know if anyone has heard of a DOS programme called Lotus Agenda.
> DOS is probably a dirty word in the Apple Universe, that aside, LA was a
> good free form PIM that allowed you to write in things like "See Bob on
> Monday 2pm" or "Write sales report monthly" and it would interpret
> these
> phrases into appointments and tasks and schedule them for you (and it
> had
> enough intelligence written in to interpret "monthly" as a recurring
> item)
> as well as making associations to Bob so that you could quickly see what
> items were associated with a particular person.
> Since DOS became obsolescent, other similar products have been spawned
> for
> Windows.
> Is there an equivalent in the Newton Universe?
> Thanks in advance
> Tony.
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