I used to use Agenda as my PIM on a NEC UltraLite until the Newton came out.
(In fact, I initially loaded my Newton MP100 with names from Agenda.)
Although the Newton's Intelligent Assistant will do some of what Agenda did
(in terms of Names/Dates filing), the great thing about Agenda was that I
could enter one note, and have it make entries in the Dates as well as in
categories for the projects that I was working on. I do not know of any app
for the Newt that can do that. As you know, there was a fair amount of logic
involved in figuring out matches between names, dates and categories. I have
thought about writing such an app for the Newt, but it did not seem
well-suited because Agenda was oriented towards entering large amounts of
data with a keyboard, and I tend to just enter brief scribbles and large
amounts for text. But for those who use a Newton for note-taking and the
like, it would probably be a very useful app.
on 4/6/02 12:17 PM, newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net at newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 06 Apr 2002 23:57:55 +1200
> From: Tony Kan <tony.kan_at_clear.net.nz>
> Subject:
> Dear Newtonians
> I don't know if anyone has heard of a DOS programme called Lotus Agenda.
> DOS is probably a dirty word in the Apple Universe, that aside, LA was a
> good free form PIM that allowed you to write in things like "See Bob on
> Monday 2pm" or "Write sales report monthly" and it would interpret these
> phrases into appointments and tasks and schedule them for you (and it had
> enough intelligence written in to interpret "monthly" as a recurring item)
> as well as making associations to Bob so that you could quickly see what
> items were associated with a particular person.
> Since DOS became obsolescent, other similar products have been spawned for
> Windows.
> Is there an equivalent in the Newton Universe?
> Thanks in advance
> Tony.
> ------------------------------
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