Re: [NTLK] Problems backing up System Info

From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Mon Apr 08 2002 - 08:57:32 EDT

on 4/8/02 12:19 AM, scotty technoir at wrote:

>> No, the updates to the Newton OS are not kept in the system
>> soup. What you'll loose are the preferences for almost all
>> applications you're using. You will also loose almost all
>> registration codes for the 3rd party applications you bought
>> that came with a registration code.
>> -Laurent.
> Ok ok Time for the Raging Grammarian to Strike!!
> When something disappears on you, you LOSE it.
> When something needs tightening, it is LOOSE.
> Sorry Laurent, this is not directed at you personally. I have seen this
> in many posts over the last year, and shudder each time that I see it.
> Maybe I am being a little neurotic here?

It's a universal problem that I've even seen in some magazines and major
newspapers... Spell checkers don't catch things like that. Of course, fat
fingering an extra 'o' can bee easy to do, depending upon your key repeat
rate. (Unless Laurent wrote that on a Newt...)

- Eric.


Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^

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